Annelie is a retired critical care nurse who has created a unique program called Purpose Driven Health and Success (PDH). The PDH program helps Boomers to create a balanced Lifestyle that improves Strength and Confidence.
PDH is not about telling you what to do, it is about showing you what is possible for you to do, and to discover your own unique ability.
I write, guide, and coach women, who like me, want to get more out of life and who are not yet ready to settle into the rocker.
This prevents living and dying with regrets and unrealized dreams.
I have learned that every human being has a unique ability, something distinctive and valuable to teach others.
My contribution is to help my contemporaries Celebrate their Age, improve their cardiovascular (CV) health, and move towards their unique North Star.
I was born and grew up in Norway. According to the United Nations' Happiness Report, Norway is considered to be one of the happiest places in the world to live.
Based on my Norwegian background, nursing experience, meditation practice, and relentless desire to help my contemporaries, I have developed this program that is mindfully created to help us.
At age 72, I developed enough strength and confidence to start my own business. I hope to live until age 113, when my youngest grandchild turns 50.
I want to share the why and the how of Purpose Driven Health and Success with my fellow Boomer Girls, so that everyone can experience their own magic.
Mostly, I want to help and prevent suffering and premature dying from cardiovascular disease (CVD), the leading cause of death in the world.
How can I help you, my Boomer Sister?

Annelie Holmene Pelaez
Norwegian Health and Happiness
for women over 65,
who want to become a Northbound Spry
and live with strenght and confidence.
Annelie is the author of the book,
"Say Yes to A Better Life".
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Northbound Spry is to help adults over age 65 to become strong and confident. We want to help as many as we can, as much as we can, and for as long as we can.
"Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general."
- Mark Rippetoe
“The road is being made as we walk.
It is never too late to become
that which we know we can be"